108 Beads Meaning – Why 108 beads?

108 Beads is already very familiar to us. Picture of 108 beads is always associated with images of monks, meditators or temple-goers used when reciting Buddha’s name. So What is meaning of 108 Beads and why 108 beads. Let’s find out the content below this article

Meaning of the number 108:

The number 108 has many meanings according to each school, see some previous references:

According to Sanskrit language: there are 54 letters, each letter carries masculine energy (Shiva) and feminine energy (Shakti) so: 54*2 = 108.

According to astrology: there are a total of 12 constellations and 9 signs, so: 12*9 = 108

By science:

– The diameter of the sun is 108 times the diameter of the earth.

– The distance from the sun to the earth is 108 times the diameter of the sun.

– The average distance of the moon from Earth is 108 times the diameter of the moon.

Mathematically: 108 is a Harshad number (which is Sanskrit – meaning great joy) which is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits.

According to India: The sacred Ganges River stretches across 12 degrees longitude (79° to 91°) and 9 degrees latitude (22° to 31°). Again, if you do the math, 12 multiplied by 9 equals 108.

According to Buddhism, the number 108 represents 108 human afflictions.

Sua Wood 108 Beads Bracelet 7Ly
The Number 108 Is Associated With Many Meanings Of Many Different Schools: Religion, Yoga, Meditation, Astrology….

Why 108 beads:

Based on the origin and meaning of the above number 108, the 108 beads are often carried by Buddhist, Catholic or Yoga and Meditation practitioners to practice:

  • Practicing limiting greed, hatred, and delusion, is the source of human suffering and sorrow.
  • Practicing Yoga exercises, the foundation for meditation
  • Healing worries and sorrows
  • Healing grief, self-love…

108 Beads Meaning in Buddhism:

What is Can, Tran, and Consciousness?

According to Buddhist philosophy, human beings are formed in three combined states: mind, birth and physical. If using the term Buddhism, it is the union of the senses, the ceiling and the consciousness. Root is physiological, ceiling is physical, and consciousness is psychological. These three things converge to exist. If something is missing, it doesn’t work. So what are the Can, Tran, Consciousness?

  • Can are: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.
  • Tran are: form, sound, smell, taste, touch and dharma.
  • Consciousness are: eye consciousness, ear consciousness, tongue consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness and consciousness.

From the place where the six senses are exposed to the six senses, six consciousnesses are born. Consciousness creates dynamic impact, creates either good or bad karma to drift in the six realms of samsara. For example, when the eyes see the beauty of a person (male or female), they immediately generate a passionate mind, from where they are infatuated with beauty, they create karma. Until the ear hears the sound, the nose smells the aroma, the body touches the smooth and soft places, the thoughts of hate, love… The six senses are the commanding tools of the six consciousnesses to create good karma or good deeds. From the place of accumulated karma containing the group carried away in the six paths of samsara, from the past to the present, and will continue in the future; to suffer in samsara.

Buddhist Monch Praying With His Prayer Beads Mala Consisting Of 108 Beads Representing The 108 Volumes Of Buddhas Lessons Nar On The Na | Phuc Linh Agarwood
Use 108 Beads To Chant To Stay Away From Afflictions, Greed, Hatred, Delusion….

What are 108 afflictions:

From where the eye sees form, it creates six basic defilements: greed, anger, delusion, pride, doubt, and evil view; to the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. Each of our senses has six basic afflictions, and thus, the six senses have created 36 kinds of afflictions in everyday life.

Therefore, as mentioned above, our life is continuously followed in three lifetimes from the past to the present and the future. Thus, in the three lifetimes we have created 108 kinds of afflictions to prepare for the endless samsara of birth and death.

Phuc Linh 108 Beads Oil-Cooked Agarwood Necklace 8Ly

Spiritual meaning of 108 beads:

The 108 beads necklace was formed based on the story that the messenger wanted to find the Buddha, asking to save the king. The Buddha told the messenger how to bring a necklace of 108 beads for the king to wear, to remove the worries and sorrows that the king was entangled in.

We use the rosary 108 times while reciting the Buddha’s name, which is our determination to eliminate the 108 defilements that we have created in three lifetimes. Removing 108 defilements also means making the six senses pure.

Monks and meditators use the 108 beads to count the number of times they recite and pray with this spiritual number.

108 Beads Meaning in Yoga, Meditation:

Yoga: Yogis will perform a series of 108 movements in one year to greet the sun, the changing of seasons, and the arrival of spring. The beginning of the year is vibrant and full of enthusiasm.

Meditation: The crown heart chakras are some of the main chakras that lead to one’s self-realization. It is said that a total of 108 energy lines converge to form the heart chakra.

Closeup Picture Of Hand While Doing Meditation With Rudraksha Mala Hwk9G9 | Phuc Linh Agarwood
108 Beads Are Used In Yoga, Meditation

Agarwood Beads Benefits:

Agarwood is fashioned into beads, which are used by many people to chant. The meaning of agarwood beads is the same as the meaning of the 108 beads listed above. Moreover, Agarwood has many additional properties, therefore wearing Agarwood Beads has numerous advantages:

  • Agarwood beads when worn rubbing against the skin help transmit good energy to the body. The warm scent gently spreads to help the wearer calm down, and relieve stress. In addition, the scent of agarwood also helps users have a deeper sleep.
  • Agarwood has strong yang properties to help purify, disinfect, and bring good health. A necklace of 108 beads of agarwood also helps dispel depression and improve boredom. Mental clarity makes your work and life better.
  • The human body is a harmonious whole between yin and yang. Only holding yin, yang, and yang will inevitably give rise to illness and bad luck. Agarwood bracelets are distilled with the essence of nature and heaven. Therefore, when carrying a chain of 108 agarwood bracelets, will help the body to ventilate blood, balance yin and yang, and have abundant health.
  • On important occasions such as contract signing and grand opening, the owner wears a 108-bead Agarwood bracelet with many good meanings. Many people believe that all the good things in business…will come to you.
Pure Agarwood Is Not Glued And Processed With Oil Or Any Other Technology
Pure Agarwood Is Not Glued And Processed With Oil Or Any Other Technology