How to put out incense cones – 3 effective ways to put out incense cone

Burning Incense cones and enjoying will get a lot of benefits. Besides, “How to put out incense cones is difficult to extinguish, and not everyone knows how. Please see the article below to be able to extinguish the buds safely! In addition, there will be content related to the use of Incense cones

Benefits of burning Incense cones:

Burning incense cones has sedative and pain-relieving effects:

The most noticeable effect of burning incense cone is to help calm and relieve pain. After a stressful day of work or study, although your body becomes tired but cannot sleep, agarwood will help you. Smoking an incense cone is like a simple but powerful medicine that offers relaxation and lightness, aids in health improvement, and allows you to go sleep quickly.

Not only that, Incense cone have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, for a long time in folk remedies, agarwood has become an indispensable material for pain relief, treatment of arthritis and pain. At the same time, burning incense cone makes people’s spirits more comfortable, helping them forget the pain they are having.

How To Put Out Incense Cones? Burning Incense Cones Has Sedative And Pain-Relieving Effects
How To Put Out Incense Cones? Burning Incense Cones Has Sedative And Pain-Relieving Effects

Banish evil spirits and bad luck with incense cone:

The image of the smoke of incense cones on important days like Tet holidays or even in daily life is not too strange. Because it is thought that burning incense helps to repel evil spirits and bad luck. This is an effect of great spiritual significance, however, people have absolutely good reason to believe it.

Agarwood is a product that converges the quintessence and spirit of heaven and earth. So its yang qi is very strong, suppressing all evil spirits, banishing all bad luck and calamities. Therefore, burning incense brings them good luck and good fortune. In particular, many people also believe that agarwood smoke helps to purify people’s bad qualities, attract positive energy, and help us become calmer. Once the soul is pure, all thoughts will naturally turn to good, everything is happy and bright.

How To Put Out Incense Cones? Banish Evil Spirits And Bad Luck With Incense Cone:
How To Put Out Incense Cones? Banish Evil Spirits And Bad Luck With Incense Cone:

Attracts good fortune and wealth:

Burning incense cones is a great spiritual solution to help you lead to fortune and wealth into your home or business. Because Agarwood is the quintessence of heaven and earth, after decades of soaking in the rain and sunshine, it can form agarwood. It carries in it a powerful aura that can purify bad luck and attract wealth. So agarwood is extremely valuable and meaningful.

If you have just moved into a new house or opened a store, never forget the effect of burning incense cones in the air. It not only helps your space become warm, but it will lead yang qi into the house, harmonizing yin and yang elements. From there, fortune and luck will find the owner.

How To Put Out Incense Cone? Attracts Good Fortune And Wealth
How To Put Out Incense Cone? Attracts Good Fortune And Wealth

How to properly light incense cones?

Many customers choose Incense cones to enjoy the scent of Agarwood and the beneficial uses that buds bring. Very easy-to-use and long-lasting scent. You have to burn incense cones properly, not only avoiding waste but also helping to maximize the benefits of Incense cones. Please refer to how to burn Incense cones:

  • Step 1: Place Incense cones on a heat-resistant surface, such as a small plate or incense burner, etc. You can use it if you have a back-flowing smoke waterfall and wish to enjoy the flowing stream of smoke.
  • Step 2: Heat the flame or match at the top of the Cone for about 5-7 seconds.
  • Step 3: Use your hand to fan to turn off the fire of the Incense cone, then put the Incense cone into the inhaler and start enjoying the fragrance of the Incense cone!

In the process of burning Incense cones, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Check if incense cones are damp or moldy. If agarwood buds are moldy, they will be very difficult to burn and during use will have an unpleasant smell.
  • Because of its small size, you need to be careful when burning it, be careful not to touch it with your hands to avoid burns.
  • When burning at the beginning of the cone but the fire does not go out by itself, you can fan or blow gently to make the flame go out.
  • Check to see if the Incense cone has burned. If there is smoke in the hole at the bottom of the cone, the cone is burning.
How To Put Out An Incense Cone? Light The Tip Of The Cone With A Lighter Or Match, And Allow To Burn For Five To Ten Seconds. Then Blow The Flame Out, Leaving The Smoldering Ember Behind.
How To Put Out An Incense Cone? Light The Tip Of The Cone With A Lighter Or Match, And Allow To Burn For Five To Ten Seconds. Then Blow The Flame Out, Leaving The Smoldering Ember Behind.

You can refer to it more carefully: How to burn Incense cones

How to put out an incense cone:

Incense cones are one of the great ways to help your home become warm, with a faint scent of Agarwood. But how to put out incense cones? – This is also the question of many people when using Incense cones.

Not like Incense Sticks. Incense cones cannot be re-lit once they have been burned. The best way to extinguish a burning cone is to dip the tip of the burning cone in some water. Wait for the cones to be completely extinguished, you can put them in the trash.

Because the flesh of the Incense cone is densely packed with Agarwood essential oil, it is difficult to extinguish when burned. The cone can smolder even if you can’t feel the heat. In the worst-case scenario, the bud could start a fire.

Clean and remove ashes:

Unlike incense sticks, incense cones do not scatter everywhere, but they retain their original shape. To get rid of the ashes, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Wait for 5-10 minutes for the Incense cones to burn out and the ash to cool down. You can add a little water to the agarwood burner if the ashes are still hot.
  • Step 2: Gently place the ashes on paper towels and then wrap them.
  • Step 3: Throw everything in the trash.
  • Step 4: Wipe the agarwood burner with a wet paper towel so as not to affect the scent in the next burning.
  • Step 5: Remember to carefully store Incense cones in cool places for the next use.
How To Put Out An Incense Cone - Wipe The Agarwood Burner With A Wet Paper Towel So As Not To Affect The Scent In The Next Burning.
How To Put Out An Incense Cone – Wipe The Agarwood Burner With A Wet Paper Towel So As Not To Affect The Scent In The Next Burning.

Is it possible to use it again after extinguishing the bud?

Do not relight the incense cone once it has been extinguished. Incense cones may not burn properly and may not give off the scent you want. You should start with a new incense cone if you want to continue enjoying its aroma.

Incidents when burning Incense cones:

When burning Incense cone, the flame in the upper part does not go out:

Incense cones when burned under a large fire will give off unpleasant burning odors and cannot form a waterfall of smoke. If the flame at the tip of the cone does not go out on its own, you can extinguish it by blowing or gently fanning it.

Why won’t my incense cone stay lit?

There are several reasons why your Incense cone won’t burn. If the cone is moldy, Agarwood essential oil will stick to the surface and won’t burn. Besides, if the Incense cone is too large, it will not distribute the heat evenly and is likely to be turned off.

Another reason is that you have unfortunately bought a poor quality Incense cones product. Poor-quality products often start to smoke and have an unpleasant smell after only a few minutes of burning.

See also: incense cone won’t stay lit

Why can’t backflowing smoke waterfall be used:

Some reasons why you can’t use backflowing smoke waterfall:

  • Make sure you do not place backflowing smoke waterfall in a windy or fan-filled space. This will cause the smoke to diffuse instead of flowing in a cascade.
  • In addition, you must make sure that the hole on the cone is aligned with the hole of the backflowing smoke waterfall. This ensures the effect of smoke flowing into a cascade according to the shape of the accessory. If you see smoke coming out from the bottom but not forming a cascade, you should adjust the position of the buds and the backflowing smoke waterfall.
  • Check to see if there are ashes or something blocking the airflow between the Incense cones and the smoke waterfall. If yes, kindly clean the smoke waterfall!
  • The last possibility is that you are using the wrong kind of Cones specifically for the smoke waterfall. Try using the right one with the backflowing smoke waterfall.

A few warnings for using Incense cones:

  • Keep out of reach of children or pets,…
  • Always watch while the Incense cone is still burning.
  • Incense cones are also flammable objects, we want to remind you that when using them, you should be careful. The following should be noted:
  • Place Incense cones on a heat-resistant surface and not near flammable objects such as curtains, books, etc. Agarwood burners are usually designed to help with these problems, so to be safe, you prefer to use the incense burner
  • Do not touch the ashes of the Incense cone after it has burned. Also do not touch the burner immediately after burning. Both of these are still very hot, let them cool down for a few minutes and then take them away.
How To Put Out An Incense Cone? - Using Burning Incense Cone Products Must Ensure The Composition And Quality Of The Ingredients Inside
How To Put Out An Incense Cone? – Using Burning Incense Cone Products Must Ensure The Composition And Quality Of The Ingredients Inside


Incense cones are a great product to help users relax with the pleasant scent of Agarwood. It’s even better if you know how to “how to put out an incense cone” and how to use incense cone properly. This is a simple process that only requires a few steps. After reading this post, you can use the tips we provide to become more effective.