Why is agarwood so expensive? How much does agarwood cost?

Agarwood and its applications in life have been known to people since ancient times when science had not yet developed. Natural Agarwood is sought after by many people around the world, especially agarwood in Asian countries. Agarwood is quite expensive due to its various values. Why is agarwood so expensive? And how much does agarwood cost? As a long-time business, we invite you to carefully learn the relevant knowledge and content in the article below:

Why is agarwood so expensive?

Agarwood knowledge:

To understand the expensiveness of agarwood, first of all, we must study the following facts about it:

Agarwood is formed at the wound on the trunk of the Do tree. This wound can be caused by an ant’s chisel, an insect, or a natural break in a tree. Over time, the wound gradually accumulates oil into agarwood.

If the Do tree is grown and the wound is created in a natural way in the natural forest, it is called natural agarwood. Today, this type of Agarwood has been hunted and exploited gradually. Currently, in Vietnam, people have successfully researched how to grow and cultivate artificial agarwood. It takes at least 10 years for the Do tree to grow up and start creating wounds. At least 2 years later, Agarwood can be harvested. On the spot where the wound in the trunk is harvested, the worker removes the white, oil-free wood. The harvested volume of agarwood accounts for a small percentage of the total weight of the trunk.

  • Planted agarwood has a short extraction time, so it is not possible to get heavily submerged agarwood (clumps of agarwood are classified as type 1, and type 2). The percentage of Do trees being raised and producing Agarwood is low because not all cultivated Do trees produce Agarwood.
  • Natural Agarwood is made from the trunk of the Do tree, which grows naturally in the highlands and forests, and natural wounds are also made. To produce high-quality agarwood, the trunk of the Do tree must be large, and the planting time must be extended. The highest quality and highest value of Agarwood is the Ky Nam, followed by type 1, type 2… to grade 7 submerged agarwood.

To understand more about this content, please refer to the article: What is agarwood and what are agarwood species?

Tram Huong Hinh Thanh Nhu The Nao | Phuc Linh Agarwood
Agarwood Is Formed From The Wound On The Trunk Of The Do Tree. Agarwood Is Classified Into Two Basic Types: Natural Agarwood And Cultivated Agarwood

Agarwood benefits:

  • Agarwood has many values and is widely used in life. In terms of health, Agarwood has many benefits: kidney tonic, good for the heart, physiological, beautifying the skin, and detoxifying…In the remedies of doctors treating diseases with leaves are often tonic. Especially the remedy for infertility and physiological weakness. Agarwood essential oil is a fixative – a substance capable of fixing the scent and keeping it for a long time for the incense mixture. Countries with a developed perfume industry buy agarwood essential oil to mix into the formula of high-class perfumes. In Arab countries, Agarwood essential oil is used to apply directly on the body as a perfume.
  • The scent of Agarwood is very fragrant, rustic and natural. No other perfume can compare to its sweet, enticing scent. This scent is also very sacred, so it is chosen by many people as an offering to the gods.
  • Especially in terms of feng shui, Agarwood is considered the “King of feng shui objects”. Use Agarwood by carrying it with you or burning it in space to purify and exorcise evil spirits. Because it is the immense force of Agarwood that brings where they are present, Agarwood is thought to bring good fortune to the user.

Learn more about the benefits of Agarwood through the article: Agarwood benefits and what is agarwood for?

It is thanks to two factors, agarwood benefits and the rarity of Aloeswood, that explains Why is agarwood so expensive?

Statues Of Maitreya Buddha In The House Always Feel Positive, Joyful And Show Warmth And Fullness.
Statues Of Buddha From Agarwood In The House Always Feel Positive, Joyful And Show Warmth And Fullness.

How much does agarwood cost?

To learn about Agarwood Costs, you first need to know the Types of Agarwood and how to distinguish them

How to distinguish different types of Agarwood:

• Agarwood oil determines the quality of Agarwood: The more essential oil contained in Agarwood, the higher the quality of Agarwood.
• To distinguish the quality of Agarwood, people rely on the following factors: color, shape, agarwood smoke when burning, water immersion of Agarwood, etc. In which the highest determining factor is the scent of Agarwood… Different geographical areas, soil and climate conditions produce different types of agarwood with different values. Compared to natural Agarwood, cultivated Agarwood is divided into fewer types and the difference is not much.
• Natural Agarwood is classified into many levels. Agarwood smells significantly different in different parts of the world. Only experienced traders or researchers are able to accurately classify natural Agarwood species by external senses.

Types of Agarwood Planted:

Agarwood plantation has two basic forms due to different cultivation methods:
• Agarwood Chunks is Agarwood in the form of a drive, the inside is usually hollow or the wood is less oily called Giac Agarwood. In order to get quality agarwood chunks, craftsmen must make and remove the outer and inner layers of Agarwood Agarwood.
• Agarwood Chips come in the form of thin slices. High quality agarwood chips when carefully separated from the Agarwood layers on both sides of the face to create a thin layer of oily Agarwood.
Outer layers close to the less oily Agarwood Chunks and Agarwood Chips are also used but are of a weaker quality. Artificial agarwood is difficult to achieve submersion.

Agarwood Chips Are Resin Fragments Derived From The Aquilaria Tree. Aquilaria Trees Release Resin In Reaction To Damage, And This Resin Is What Gives Agarwood Its Characteristic Aroma.

Types of Natural Agarwood:

Natural Agarwood is found in many countries mainly in Asia. It has many shapes, colors and scents that are also very diverse. Vietnam is the country with the best agarwood in the world, followed by Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia…
Learn more: Which country has the best agarwood in the world

The most valuable and also the most expensive type of agarwood is Ky Nam. Then, Agarwood is divided into levels from grade 1 to grade 7. Normally, Agarwood from level 1 to 4 can sink in water because it contains a lot of oil. Agarwood from level 5 and above does not sink. The price of the grades of Agarwood grade 1 to 7 is also quite different. How much does agarwood cost? Please find out below:

Agarwood 1 kg Price?

Agarwood cost per kg – Ky Nam:

Ky Nam is the highest quality Agarwood. Currently, Ky Nam is still very rare and is purchased by traders. Where there is information, there is Ky Nam, Chinese and Taiwanese agarwood traders looking to buy at all costs. It is extremely rare to create a tree with a cypress tree with a rate of up to 1/2000 or 1/3000, even hundreds of thousands of new trees can get one Ky Nam tree.

Ky Nam is classified into types: Bach Ky, Thanh Ky, Hac Ky, and Huynh Ky. Ky Nam has many special values and gradually disappears, so its price also gradually increases and sometimes the valuation is done in a “buy and sell” style. There is a type of South Vietnamese Agarwood, currently traded for up to 1-2 million USD/kg.

Why Is Agarwood So Expensive? - Agarwood Traders In China, Japan, And Taiwan Hunt For Ky Nam Because They Are Very Rare And Have A Lot Of Value.
Why Is Agarwood So Expensive? – Agarwood Traders In China, Japan, And Taiwan Hunt For Ky Nam Because They Are Very Rare And Have A Lot Of Value.

Cost of Agarwood per kg – Natural Agarwood:

The price of natural Agarwood is much higher than that of Planted Agarwood. On the market today, there are many types of Agarwood from many countries around the world.
  • Natural Agarwood currently has many prices depending on the source of Agarwood products from which country? and agarwood is divided into what level?
  • If the same grade of Agarwood, the price is sorted from low to high as follows: Agarwood from Malaysia, Agarwood from Indonesia, Agarwood from Laos and the highest one is Vietnamese Agarwood.
  • Submerged natural agarwood is a type of natural agarwood from type 1, type 2 to type 5. Grade 1 Agarwood is priced from 200,000 USD to 500,000 USD
  • Agarwood grades 3 to 7 cost from 500 USD to several tens of thousands of dollars depending on the rank.
Agarwood Is Used To Make Feng Shui Products To Stimulate Positive Energy
The Natural Agarwood That Grows In The Mountains Has A Very High Price

Cost of Agarwood per kg – Artificial Agarwood:

Artificial Agarwood has a lighter and more stable price than natural agarwood. The price of this type of agarwood varies depending on the region and type of agarwood. Good quality Agarwood chips cost about 1000 USD/kg.
The lowest grade of agarwood chips costs about 100 USD/kg.
Planted Agarwood | Phuc Linh Agarwood
Agarwood 1Kg Price – Planted Agarwood Costs From 100 Usd To 1000 Usd Depending On The Type


Hope the above article answers the question of Why is agarwood so expensive and Agarwood 1 kg price of agarwood. When you need to consult or buy all kinds of Vietnamese agarwood, please contact:


 Manufacturer and Wholesaler and Retailer of Agarwood

 PHUC LINH Agarwood and Premium Agarwood MANGALA

 Hotline: +84 901.144119

 Email: phuclinhagarwood@gmail.com